Whether online or in print, magazine articles are a great source for many types of projects and papers. This guide will show you how to format citations for magazine articles in APA format following guidelines for the 7th edition. (Looking for how to cite a journal article in APA style? Learn more at the link.)
In this guide, you will find the following information:
Author last name, F. M. (Year, Month Day of publication). Article title in sentence case. Magazine Title, volume(issue), page numbers.
Luckerson, V. (2014, January). Tech’s biggest promises for 2014. TIME, 183, 23-25.
Structure: (Last name, date, p./pp.)
Parenthetical citation example: (Luckerson, 2014, p. 24)
Narrative citation example: Luckerson (2014, p. 24)
Note: Volume number can be found on the publication information page of the magazine. Page numbers are typically found on the bottom corners of an article. If the issue number is not provided, omit it from the citation.
Author, F. M. (Year, Month Day of publication). Article title. Magazine Title, volume(issue). https://xxxxx
Luckerson, V. (2014, January). Tech’s biggest promises for 2014. TIME. https://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2161683,00.html
Structure: (Last name, date)
Parenthetical citation example: (Luckerson, 2014)
Narrative citation example: Luckerson (2014)
Note: Volume and issue number may not be on the same page as the article. Browse the website before omitting it from the citation.
Author last name, F. M., & Author last name, F. M. (Year, Month Day of publication). Article title. Magazine Title, volume(issue). https://xxxxx
Dugan, K. T., & Stieh, M. (2022, February 15). The many lives of crypto’s most notorious couple. The Intelligencer. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/02/the-many-shifting-sides-of-cryptos-most-notorious-couple.html
Structure: (Last name of author 1 & last name of author 2, date.)
Parenthetical citation example: (Dugan & Stieh, 2022)
Narrative citation example: Dugan and Stieh (2022)
Article title in title in sentence case. (Year, Month Day of publication). Magazine Title, volume(issue). https://xxxxx
Covid has reset relations between people and robots. (2022, February 21). The Economist. https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/covid-has-reset-relations-between-people-and-robots/21807815
Structure: (“Article Name in Title Case,” date)
Parenthetical citation example: (“COVID has Reset Relations Between People and Robots,” 2022)
Narrative citation example: “COVID has Reset Relations Between People and Robots” (2022)
Sometimes, comments can provide an important glimpse into a target audience’s thoughts about the content of an article. When citing a comment, you must include the following information:
Structure and Example:
Commenter’s last name, F. M. (Year, Month Day commented). Comment title or the first 20 words [Comment on the article “Article title”]. Magazine Title. URL
Tonred. (2022, February 5). Fascinating piece, but one crucial question is unexamined: How do the wages of the jobs reportedly readily available to replace [Comment on the article “ A closing factory, a booming economy and a town’s search for identity”]. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/02/03/kme-fire-truck-factory-closing/
In-text citation structure:
(Commenter username, date)
In-text citation examples:
Parenthetical example:
Narrative example: